HISHIDA Shunso (1874-1911) was a Japanese artist, who while attempting to reinterpret nihonga (traditional Japanese paintings), created numerous masterpieces in the late Meiji period. Following his path as an artist, until his early death at the age of 36, Shunso was in a constant pursuit of innovative art. This exhibition explores the expression of the challengers of the (Japanese) painting circles by introducing Shunso’s creative attempts from different perspectives, such as “Lines”, “Air and Light”, “Color and Classical Art”, alongside with the works of other artists such as YOKOYAMA Taikan and SHIMOMURA Kanzan, who had a deep connection with the artist and shared his joys and sorrows. Moreover, thanks to a special collaboration, the present exhibition displays carefully selected pieces from a precious collection of the Mizuno Museum of Art, which preserves numerous representative works of early Nihon Bijutsuin artists at Shunso’s birthplace – Nagano prefecture.
日時:6月8日(土) 14:00から 6月9日(日) 11:00から
講師:野口 春花氏 (水野美術館 学芸員)
※各回約30分 ※マイクを使用し、会場内を移動しながらお話しいただきます。